Clients are assigned a dedicated advisor who will gain a deep understanding of the client's needs
Asset Liability Management
McQueen Financial Advisor’s Asset Liability Management (ALM) reports provide you with recommendations and strategies that will create actionable ideas to not only survive but to thrive. Our advice is based on your unique position and needs. We focus on providing you with the information you need to make informed decisions in the management of your balance sheet and add income to your bottom line.
Quality ALM reports include:
McQueen Financial Advisors ALM reports surpass regulatory requirements. The reports are delivered in two formats. The first report is an executive summary that is designed for all levels of management as well as your Board of Directors. The second, more detailed ALM package is designed for financial professionals, accountants and regulators.
In addition to our standard ALM reports, McQueen Financial Advisors offers several additional ALM related analytical reports. The reports are designed to enhance the value of your ALM reports and provide additional insights into your interest rate risk position and balance sheet. These optional reports have significant value for clients, especially as they grow in size and complexity.
Strategic advice and reliable reports are the two key takeaways from the McQueen Financial Advisors ALM reporting.
Strategic advice includes:
• Forward-looking actionable strategic recommendations
• Understanding the impact of different interest rate scenarios on profitability
• Liquidity and capital management
• 24/7 ALM Simulation Tool
• Development of cost-effective marketing and growth strategy
• Budget and scenario “what-If” analysis and planning
• Educational opportunity for your Board of Directors
• Product offering and design
• Product pricing and profitability
Additional ALM Reports
Did you Know?
Our ALM reporting is available 24/7 on-demand – check it out!
Additional Reports:
- Core Deposit Study
- Liquidity Sources & Uses Report
- Loan Prepayment Speed Analysis
- Assumption Sensitivity Analysis
- ALM Backtesting
- ALM Validation
- Liquidity Stress Testing
- Concentration Risk Analysis
- CUSIP Level Shock Report
- Benchmarking Portfolio Duration Analysis
Did you Know?
Our ALM reporting
is available
with our 24/7
Simulation Tool
MFA CECL Solution Actions
For clients who choose to outsource their CECL process, McQueen Financial Advisors will provide a turnkey CECL solution. Estimating CECL starts with a detailed analysis of historical loan level attributes, including losses by loan type. It is important to start collecting and saving information now. There is no such thing as having too much data. MFA’s CECL Solution will also include current conditions and forecast adjustments. All of this is brought together in a reporting package that will fulfill your responsibility for developing, maintaining, and documenting a comprehensive, systematic, and consistently applied process for determining the CECL allowance amount. The MFA CECL Solution will utilize the CECL compliant and regulatory approved Weighted Average Remaining Maturity (WARM) method
McQueen CECL Support Actions
For clients who choose to calculate CECL internally, we can provide a variety of support services:
- Turnkey, online CECL reporting system
- Loan segmentation
- Historical loan loss review and validation
- Current conditions adjustments
- Forecast factor selection considering past loan performance and correlation to economic conditions
- Overall CECL review and validation
- Policy creation and review
About Us
Leading nationwide provider of financial advisory services
Address: 1239 Anderson Rd, Clawson, MI 48017
Phone: (248) 548-8400
We provide our clients with expert, personal, professional, results-oriented service designed to provide a competitive advantage in an ever-changing market.
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